Glass half full.

I've just spent the last hour and a half drinking ONE glass of wine.

It's still half full.

Yes, half full and not half empty because I'm staying positive, even if I don't feel like it. Bathing suit season is nearly upon us! And even though the only people who see me in a swim suit is my family and the moms at the neighborhood pool, I still feel like I should be moderately confident, or at least not want to cry each time I want to swim.

I enjoy unwinding with a glass of wine or three in the evening sometimes. Or most times. But I'm on Weight Watchers again (because I quit last time as soon as I had decent success for some unknown reason) and there are a lot of points in wine.

I'm still enjoying my wine. But I had to eat a light dinner and can only have one glass. So I am making it COUNT!

I am pretty sure the calories I'm expending lifting my glass repeatedly for these teeny tiny sips is probably worth something. But nonetheless I'm still getting to enjoy my treat in moderation.

And that "after" picture I'm anticipating will be worth soo many glasses of wine.


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