Best Christmas Surprise Ever.

My kids are both officially teenagers now, and my opportunities to do kid stuff with them are running out.  I've wanted to take them to Disney World one more time while they were still "kids" since the only other time we went, they were really little and barely remember it.

A winter special offering a free dining plan seemed like a good deal.... and right at Christmas time! So after a great amount of persuading my husband, trying my hardest to be adorable and impossible to say no to, and subtly suggesting to friends that they mention it (AKA text him to help convince him) he agreed! We decided to surprise them on Christmas morning. A surprise vacation means that is one big gift that takes the place of several others, and therefore we spend less on Christmas gifts to help offset the cost of the trip. Everybody wins!

I researched resorts, booked dining reservations, and spent hours upon hours researching Disney tips and creative ways to do a countdown to our trip.

I found Disney candies and Disney journals to use as autograph books at the dollar store, and hid them for their stockings. I ordered Disney tshirts online for each of us.

We wrapped a big box with Mickey wrapping paper and filled it with the new Disney T-shirts we bought, along with the customized maps I ordered, a sign that said, "You're Going to Disney World" and a few balloons:

Unfortunately while I was assembling the box, my puppy stole the Santa Mickey that I wanted to include.... and he needs a little plastic surgery:

Christmas morning, as the last gift, I pulled over the big box and told the kids to open it together. And while I secretly hoped the videotaped reveal would be so awesome it would go viral and end up on the Today show, it didn't really get there. My daughter thought it was a prank at first! Then she threatened to kill us all. I still think it turned out pretty good. :)

Merry Christmas! See THIS POST for an awesome countdown I made to our trip, and see HERE for a ridiculously and unnecessarily complicated Disney Christmas ornament my husband and I made.


  1. Which resort are you staying at? We are thinking about going in 2014 and are having a hard time deciding between the Polynesian and Contemporay. Can't wait to read an incredibly detailed trip report!


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