Elitist and Fuzzy: Thanksgiving Wrap Up

Thanksgiving was awesome.

My husband cooked most of our meal, and I mostly got to hang out.

I spent the night before Thanksgiving having cocktails with my lovely lady friend Edie.

I spent Thanksgiving morning drinking wine before noon with my momma and my sister Erin.

We decided to do a model pose. We are clearly not professionals.

I spent the afternoon with my hubby and his family, and a good friend, eating tasty foods and playing Apples to Apples which had some crazy situations.  Like, offensive references to the Holocaust and JFK's assassination, and the time we totally changed the rules right before the end and chaos ensued.

My answer of "hair transplants" in response to Matt's wild improvisation of adding TWO green cards (Elitist and Fuzzy) won me the game, in my opinion.

I ended the night perusing facebook, at which time I scrolled through the pictures I am tagged in, and realized how my life is the bomb. I have super cool friends and family. I got married this year. I have two amazing kids. I have a job I love. Overall, life for me is amazing right now. All that is missing is that my kids aren't here today, but they are with their dad, enjoying time with family on his side and having a blast in beautiful South Carolina, so I'm pretty happy that they get that experience.

I'm on such an emotional high right now that I should not be trusted. I might make charitable decisions my husband may later regret. But today I love the world, my life, and Thanksgiving. 


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