Be Thankful

My new hubby and I are hosting Thanksgiving this year. We spent the day buying amounts of food that make me ashamed of us, and then I spent the evening cruising the craft section at Meijer looking for inspiration.  I wanted to make a festive centerpiece, and decided to dress up some candles I got on clearance after last Christmas.

 For a total of about $7, I left the store with this: 

I cut the small burlap sheet into strips..... 

I hot glued the burlap around the candles, then topped it with some hot glued ribbon: 


 I put the pretty, dressed-up candles on my fancy cake stand, added the fall-ish mini pinecones and cinnamon sticks and acorns, and I've got a pretty Thanksgiving dinner centerpiece!

(P.S. This decorative burlap will need to be removed before it gets close to the flame... )

The cake stand was made for my wedding this past June, based on a Pinterest inspiration. We found the plates and custard cups at an Antique store in Saugatuck, Michigan,  on a Valentine's Day long weekend last year. Just added a little hard-core clear glue from the hardware store to the upside-down custard cup and stuck it to the plate. Voila, cake stand!  :)




  1. Pretty! I've been on something of a fake acorn kick this fall, too :)

  2. Beautiful! I had no idea they made burlap in sheets like that!

    Stopping by from the Dare to DIY link party :)

  3. This turned out really cute. Ihave so many pillar candles around my house, I'm feeling inspired to pretty them up. =) Thanks for linking up to Dare to DIY! Really appreciate it!

    1. I'm loving the motivation the challenge is giving me so far! :)

  4. Super cute! This makes me want to go make a cute centerpiece right now!!! :)

  5. Lindsey it turned out great. Came over from the Dare to DIY Challenge. I flipped through some of your blog and was very jealous to see your Super Bowl post. I grew up in Indy and came back for the festivities. Looking forward to your project next week.

  6. So cute, Lindsey! I love how you dressed up the candles, and the whole display looks so festive and fun. And it will totally work for Christmas, too, so you're all set! I love how cozy it all looks. Great job, and thanks for joining in!

  7. Can you go wrong with burlap and candles? I think not! Thanks for joining the par-tay!!

  8. OMG, you've become Martha Stewart!


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