January Resolutions

New Years resolutions are something I think about each year. And each year it's basically like this:
1. Make more money
2. Lose weight

This year, I have been thinking about resolutions a little differently.  At first I thought that maybe they were a bad idea. I mean, do I really need to formalize my weight loss desire again? Also, clearly I've never stuck to the resolutions I have made, since I'm still carrying the 15 pounds I've wanted to lose since 2009.  However, I realized that really, all resolutions are is goal setting, which is a valuable activity! I just need to be more deliberate about them, and make them goals I think about past about January 5th.

I started thinking of the resolution as just refocusing on the things that I want to improve in my life. And I realized that they needed to be specific and framed with actual action items that I need to DO to accomplish them.

With all that said, here is my list of resolutions. And I'd love to hear yours, too.

1. Finish my MBA. This one is here because it WILL happen, I'm scheduled to finish by October but would love to finish earlier. Since it occupies a lot of my time, it's definitely a worthy entry here, because many other potential goals can't be on the list till this one is over.

In order to accomplish this one, I will plan to increase the hours each week that I'm devoting to it. I'm making a schedule.

2. Improve my job situation. I have a great job. But I want to grow in more ways and move up. I intend to work on adding skills, will update my resume to be ready to post for positions I want, and will work to stay on top of upcoming positions that I am interested in.

3. Complete the half marathon. Again, something I WILL do. It will be so nice to check off the list! My plan here (which I've mostly stuck to, barring weather obstacles) is to run three times a week and follow my training plan for long runs.

4. Get in better shape. Note, this does not say lose weight. I find that when my body feels strong (like when I've had a great run) I feel GOOD about myself, regardless of what the scale happens to say that day. I want to get two additional workouts in each week, in addition to the runs, that focus on strength.

5. Pay down credit cards. I have a number in mind. Next step is setting a budget to make this happen.

6. Sleep. Sounds kinda lame for a resolution. But I'm so often finding myself watching t.v. at 11:30 at night when I need to get up early, and struggling to get up early enough. My goal is to sleep 7-8 hours a night. I have an app on my phone to keep track, and so far I'm doing ok!

7. Eat well.  Last year I did a lot of "clean eating" and the holidays have derailed that! So, I'm back on my 80/20 plan. Eat clean 80% of the time, eat all those other things I love but aren't "clean" 20% of the time. I'm only human, you guys. And I hate whole wheat pasta. I keep trying. But I need the good ol' refined bad for you pasta. With breadsticks.

The food plan in loose terms (to make it easy to follow without a lot of thought) is as follows:
-No fried foods
-No processed meats with nitrites/nitrates
-No foods with added sugars
-No artificial sweeteners or flavors or colors
-No "white" flours
-As many unprocessed foods (like, they came from the Earth that way) as possible.

p.s. Wine is a clean food in my book.

So, there are the resolutions, AKA current goals for the year! Since blogging regularly is not a resolution, I'm not sure how often I'll be updating progress here, but I do intend to at some point in the future!

Please, tell me your resolutions!


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